Quarto pdf: Putting images and captions side by side

I have a qmd file which compiles fine on one machine (Windows 10) but tnot on another (Linux Mint):

title: ""
  - left=.75in
  - textwidth=4.5in
  - marginparsep=.25in
  - marginparwidth=2.25in
        colorlinks: true
        pdf-engine: xelatex
        tbl-colwidths: [40, 60]
        - text: |

## Test
Some text


On Mint this triggers updating tlmgr and updating existing packages on another (Linux Mint) which returns the following:

ERROR: tlmgr returned a non zero status code
tlmgr itself needs to be updated.
Please do this via either
  tlmgr update --self
or by getting the latest updater for Unix-ish systems:
and/or Windows systems:
Then continue with other updates as usual.
tlmgr: Terminating; please see warning above!

Error: tlmgr returned a non zero status code
tlmgr itself needs to be updated.
Please do this via either
  tlmgr update --self
or by getting the latest updater for Unix-ish systems:
and/or Windows systems:
Then continue with other updates as usual.
tlmgr: Terminating; please see warning above!

    at asErrorEx (file:///opt/quarto/bin/quarto.js:13482:16)
    at logError (file:///opt/quarto/bin/quarto.js:47557:17)
    at file:///opt/quarto/bin/quarto.js:127568:13

I have a feeling this is because I have another Tex Live installed on my system due to TexStudio and installed via apt. I also tried tlmgr update --all --selfas well as installing marginnote from within R but no use:

> tlmgr_install('marginnote')
tlmgr install marginnote
tlmgr itself needs to be updated.
Please do this via either
  tlmgr update --self
or by getting the latest updater for Unix-ish systems:
and/or Windows systems:
Then continue with other updates as usual.
tlmgr: Terminating; please see warning above!
Unable to download the checksum of the remote TeX Live database,
but found a local copy, so using that.

You may want to try specifying an explicit or different CTAN mirror,
or maybe you need to specify proxy information if you're behind a firewall;
see the information and examples for the -repository option at
(and in the output of install-tl --help).

tlmgr: package repository https://mirror.niser.ac.in/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet (not verified: unknown)

How do I update TinyTex because I was assuming everything would be automatically taken care of inside R Studio.

Quarto - Article Layout may help.

#| cap-location: margin

works for me but I have a full TexLive installation.

Did you try working with TinyTeX installed with Quarto ?

RMarkdown through tinytex R package, and Quarto will try to update when necessary, but only TeX distribution they can manage (like TinyTeX). If you have a system installation, this may not work smoothly.

Do you need your system install ?

Does the tlmgr from terminal that you updated is the same that the one called from tinytex::tlmgr_install() ? From R you can also try tinytex::tlmgr_update() and see if this is already up to date.

Uninstalling and Reinstalling a recent TinyTeX would probably helps otherwise

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