When I render a a qmd file using the arrow render button in the rstudio IDE it will create a self-contained html file , but when I tell it to render via another function, all of the images are stored in a subdirectory i.e. not self-contained.
Here is my yaml heading:
title: "`r params$dist` Dashboard DA Summary"
theme: pulse
embed-resources: true
editor: visual
toc: true
toc-location: left
dist: '27661590000000'
and here is the rendering code chuck that I use to create documents that so far is not working to make have resources embedded
for(i in da.dists){
dist <- list(dist = i )
dist.name <- mcoe_name(dist)
# render("DashboardSummary.qmd",
# # output_format = "all",
# # output_dir = "output",
# output_file = here("output" ,paste0("DashboardSummary", dist.name, ".html" ) ),
# params = dist,
# envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())
# )
# output_format = "all",
# output_dir = "output",
# execute_dir = "output",
input = "DashboardSummary.qmd",
output_file = paste0("DashboardSummary", dist.name, ".html" ) ,
execute_params = dist,
# envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())
# file.rename(from = paste0("DashboardSummary", dist.name, ".html" ),
# to = here("output", paste0("DashboardSummary", dist.name, ".html" )) )
Any suggestions on why the rendering behavior would be different and/or how to make it actually self-contained?