quarto, gt, fontawesome, embedded files

This post is related to this previous post

I am now having several issues.

(1) The fontawesome icons that were showing up are not showing again, even with the inclusion of fontawesome::fa_html_dependency() at the top of my script.

(2) My gt tables look correct in the viewer (except that the fa icons do not show) but different when rendered. See the two screen shots below.

(3) I am using xfun::embed_file() to embed files to download (e.g., Homework assignments). qmd and html files are able to download, but not a pdf document.

If you like, I can give the repo for the project.

One note: I believed I was having issues with renv, so I have deactivated renv and removed associated files in my project.

This project worked fine for several years as an Rmarkdown website, and this year I switched to quarto and have had problems stack up regularly.

This would help to have examples to play with to undersand.

Converting a project is never easy, all the more if the feature you are using are not 1-to-1.
Are you updating Quarto regularly ? If you don't change quarto version often (just use stable release), your website should not break between rendering.

if you do update regularly using pre-release, this is prone to error indeed. Pre-release is not for production.

Happy to helps solve this, but I need more that currently shared.

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