In my quarto document, the following code works when I render the chuck.
```{r da-table, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
atsi.need <- datatable(iris)
but , outside of the chunk this gives me the following error:
Under ESSA student groups are identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.
`r atsi.need`
and the error message is
Error in rep_len(label, length(meta)) :
cannot replicate NULL to a non-zero length
Calls: .main ... in_dir -> inline_exec -> sew -> <Anonymous> -> knit_meta_add
Execution halted
February 17, 2023, 10:57am
Your object is a datatable from DT - it can be used inline in knitr - it needs to be added in a chunk.
Inline chunk are only for string output (or one that could be coerced to string)
Do this
Under ESSA student groups are identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.
1 Like
February 17, 2023, 11:11am
But as this works with R Mardown and knitr quarto I have open an issue
opened 11:10AM - 17 Feb 23 UTC
closed 10:46PM - 02 Mar 23 UTC
From… 9894/3
This works in R Mardown
title: "Test"
output: html_document
```{r da-table}
#| echo: false
#| essage: FALSE
atsi.need <- DT::datatable(iris)
Under ESSA student groups are identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.
`r atsi.need`
This does not in Quarto
title: "test"
format: html
keep-md: true
```{r da-table, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
atsi.need <- DT::datatable(iris)
but error
Under ESSA student groups are identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.
`r atsi.need`
with this error
++ Activating rlang global_entrace
processing file: test2.qmd
|...........................................................| 100% Quitting from lines 12-15 (test2.qmd)
Error in `rep_len()`:
! impossible de répliquer NULL vers une longueur non nulle
1. global .main()
2. execute(...)
3. rmarkdown::render(...)
4. knitr::knit(knit_input, knit_output, envir = envir, quiet = quiet)
5. knitr:::process_file(text, output)
9. knitr:::call_inline(x)
12. knitr:::inline_exec(block)
13. sew(res, inline = TRUE)
14. knitr:::sew.knit_asis(x, options, ...)
15. knitr::knit_meta_add(m, if (missing(options)) "" else options$label)
Message d'avis :
The closing backticks on line 11 ("````") in test2.qmd do not match the opening backticks "```" on line 7. You are recommended to fix either the opening or closing delimiter of the code chunk to use exactly the same numbers of backticks and same level of indentation (or blockquote).
Exécution arrêtée
++ Activating rlang global_entrace
Thanks for the report
April 3, 2023, 11:12am
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