My simple quarto code looks like this:
title: 02 Modeling
description: First steps in data analysis
number-sections: true
embed-resources: true
# kernel: "ir"
## Load Libraries & Data
#| echo: false
if (!requireNamespace("pacman", quietly = TRUE)) {
install.packages("pacman", repos = "")
# Mit pacman alle benötigten Pakete installieren und laden
pacman::p_load(tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, readr, lubridate, tibble, stringr, openxlsx,
jsonlite, purrr, knitr, kableExtra, stargazer, readxl, broom,
forecast, fixest, gt, splines, sandwich, lmtest, readxl)
My HTML results still show the code of my codeblock, ignoring the following:
#| echo: false
Also I am wondering why the code block numbers are shown.. I am not using jupyter as kernel