Quarto document not rendering - searches for Python kernel although no Python code used

I work on a quarto file to document and explain some SQL code. The code does not need to be run which is why I formatted the yaml header accordingly. Here is an example of what my file looks like.

title: "Fancy title"
    toc: true
editor: visual
bibliography: references.bib
lang: de
csl: american-journal-of-epidemiology.csl
  eval: false

#### SomeSubtitle

text text text [@good_reference].

I used a [link](https://www.google.com/).

```{sql table 3}
-- table3

SELECT col1, 
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table 2
AS table3

The document rendered fine until I tried to render two formats at the same time, html and mediawiki. The header then looked like this:

title: "Fancy title"
toc: true
    toc: true
editor: visual
bibliography: references.bib
lang: de
csl: american-journal-of-epidemiology.csl
  eval: false

Since then rendering fails with the following error message

Starting python3 kernel...Python konnte nicht gefunden werden. F�hren Sie die Verkn�pfung ohne Argumente aus, um sie �ber den Microsoft Store zu installieren, oder deaktivieren Sie diese Verkn�pfung unter Unable to locate an installed version of Python 3.

Install Python 3 from Download Python | Python.org

no matter which header I used. Additionally, an .ipynb file is created. The error message translates to: "Python could not be found. Run the shortcut with no arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut under"

I already restarted the computer & RStudio and installed the latest Quarto version from the website. Both did not work.

Did I configure something wrong?

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By using this syntax, ```{sql you are writing a code chunk that is supposed to be executed. So it means a computation engine will be used - and by default it will be Jupyter. Quarto – Execution Options
Even if you configure eval: false, the computation engine is still started and here python.

If you don't plan to execute but only show code, then you need to use the classic code bloc syntax

-- table3

SELECT col1, 
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table 2
AS table3

Thanks, that worked!

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