Quarto Dashboard Formatting (Table page fill )

So I am trying to create a Quarto Dashboard and could use some help with the following issues:

  1. For some reason I cannot get the container for a Dynamic Table on the Data page to fill the screen. Instead, it appears to be scrunched as seen below:

Here's my abbreviated code:

  # Render the data table
  extensions = 'Buttons',
  options = list(
    dom = 'Bfrtip',
    buttons = list(
        extend = 'copy',
        className = 'btn btn-default',
        exportOptions = list(modifier = list(page = 'all'))
        extend = 'csv',
        className = 'btn btn-default',
        exportOptions = list(modifier = list(page = 'all'))
        extend = 'excel',
        className = 'btn btn-default',
        exportOptions = list(modifier = list(page = 'all'))
    pageLength = 10
  class = "display",
  fillContainer = TRUE,
  rownames = FALSE

}, server=FALSE)


DTOutput('table', height = 'auto', width = '100%')

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