However, it's failing with the error "Unable to download package stringi from GitHub"
I tried it on a simpler repo, using the report.qmd from the docs, and chucked in a call to library(stringi) there and then rebuilt my manifest file. That also failed to build, but when I updated my local stringi installation to be PPM instead of GitHub and rebuilt the manifest file, it then worked fine.
Thank you for checking out Posit Connect Cloud. You are correct that installing the package from GitHub is not working at the moment. We have created a ticket to investigate this behavior. Hopefully we can address that soon.
And great troubleshooting since as you mentioned, the installation process will work if it is done via Posit Package Manager.
@zak_kubicek - following up on this post, are GitHub R packages supported yet? I have GitHub-only packages (that wouldn't be on CRAN or PPM) that cause app deployment to fail, and publishing the packages to CRAN isn't an option at this time.
R packages installed from GitHub should be working now. There was a bug but the fix was released last week. The only caveat is that the GitHub repository must be public for it to work right now. Are you seeing issues with that? (Or is your repo private?)
I was able to publish a Shiny App last night with a github package, but it stopped working without me changing anything. Re-deploying won't work either.
2025-02-11T12:42:55+01:00 Warning in gitcreds_get_cache(cache_ev) :
2025-02-11T12:42:55+01:00 Invalid gitcreds credentials in env var `GITHUB_PAT_GITHUB_COM`. Maybe an unescaped ':' character?
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 Error: Failed to install 'ggcorrplot2' from GitHub:
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 cannot open URL ''
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 In addition: Warning message:
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 package ‘shiny’ was built under R version 4.3.3
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 Execution halted
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 Shiny application exiting ...
2025-02-11T12:42:56+01:00 Failed to publish content: Your application failed to start. error_id=56b1b869-5cb9-4137-8da1-5497a65bcee8