Quarto course website question: where should I consider hosting visual assets (e.g., images, videos)?

Currently, I'm using Quarto to develop a training: the course website, the (revealjs) slides, the exercises, etc. For this training, there are a large number of images and (short) videos to demonstrate processes. For the moment, all of the course content is in the course GitHub repo--that is, not only qmd and scss files, but png and mp4 files. While this arrangement appears to work so far--no GitHub LFS billing, no Git slowness problems--I'd like to explore how to host my visual assets elsewhere. After all, on my local machine, the repo folder weighs in at 1.7GB (:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:). For videos, YouTube seems a good candidate. For images, I'm short on ideas.

Does anyone have any suggestions for file hosting services I should consider?

Here are my requirements:

  • Files available through publicly accessible link (so that their content could be loaded into HTML slides)
  • Service provides organization of logical collections like folders on a PC (e.g., videos for a lesson are grouped together, images for a lesson are grouped together, assets for English and French versions, respectively, etc.)
  • Service is free

AMZ S3 falls just short of being free, but unless this is for a MOOC or a really large enrollment, the costs are very low (based on outbound traffic) and you can organize by bucket, an aws subdomain under your free to-set-up account, and flat or folders as suits. And really hard to beat uptime and bandwidth.

Thanks for the wonderful suggestion!

Although still at the beginning of my research, I'd still like to add to your answer: AWS CloudFront could be (for many) a free add-on on top of S3. Where S3 stores files and makes them available from a single source, CloudFront lowers latency by distributing requested files from the single source--say, AWS S3--to edge locations nearer the devices requesting files. Basically, it's a content delivery network (CDN). See more here. If usage is of CloudFront is relatively low--less than 1TB per month, fewer than 10 million requests--then it falls into AWS' "always free" category. See more here.

As my research progresses, I'll try to update this thread in case others--or future me--wonders how to tackle this problem.


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