Quarto Clipper - Shiny Contest Submission

Quarto Clipper

Authors: Sam Parmar

Abstract: Shiny for Python app that saves web pages as Quarto-flavored Markdown files using the OpenAI API and Beautiful Soup. It lets you convert a web page into a Quarto document.

Full Description: Quarto Clipper is a Shiny for Python app that uses Beautiful Soup to scrap a webpage from a URL then the OpenAI API to generate a Quarto document. It can also read PDF file text. You can choose from a variety of Quarto document types including an HTML document, PDF, RevealJS slides, flashcards, quiz questions, and webR code chunks. It will summarize the webpage text and generate flashcards or quiz questions in your Quarto file, if you pick those output type options. Note that the output Quarto document may not be perfect and may require some manual editing to fix formatting or syntax issues.

Shiny app: Posit Connect Cloud
Repo: GitHub - parmsam/quarto-clipper-llm-app: Shiny for Python app that saves web pages as Quarto-flavored Markdown files using the OpenAI API and Beautiful Soup


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