Quarto Book as single HTML file

Is it possible to render a Quarto book as a single HTML file?
My _quarto.yml looks like this:

  type: book
  title: "Tips & Tricks"
  author: "Me"
  date: "2025-03-04"
    - index.qmd
    - a.qmd
    - b.qmd
    - c.qmd
    - d.qmd
    self-contained: true
    code-annotations: hover
      - cosmo
      - brand
editor: visual

Unfortunately all my HTML files are split by chapter and place under _books.
I'm running Quarto 1.6.40 and render my book with quarto render.

Hi @DBScan ,

this HTML Basics – Quarto should be enough to get a self contained html.

    embed-resources: true

Hi @vedoa, unfortunately doesn't work.

If you want to display your book as a single chapter, you must then render it in one chapter. So use index.qmd as your chapter and include your content as different sections in index.qmd.

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