qPCR- code for Heatmap with Clustering


I want to create heatmap from qPCR data set. The script now takes as control sample Col-0 DMSO 6 h.
Could you have a look on my script?

alll the time I have this error:
Error in select(., Target, Genotype, Avg_Rel)
unused arguments (Target, Genotype, Avg_Rel)


# Set working directory
dir <- "/5/"

# Indicate the file
date <- "20231205"
experiment <- "data"
info <- "ZAT11"

filedir <- paste0(dir, date, "_", experiment, "_", info, ".xlsx")
filename <- paste0(date, "_", experiment, "_", info)

# Read the file
df <- read_excel(filedir)

# Remove outliers
df <- df %>%
  group_by(Target, Genotype, Treatment, Time) %>%
  filter(Cq >= (quantile(Cq, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE) - 1.5 * IQR(Cq, na.rm = TRUE)),
         Cq <= (quantile(Cq, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE) + 1.5 * IQR(Cq, na.rm = TRUE)))

# Calculate delta Cq (ΔCq) relative to the housekeeping gene (Actin) for each combination of genotype, treatment, and time
df <- df %>%
  group_by(Genotype, Treatment, Time) %>%
  mutate(Delta_Cq = Cq - mean(Cq[Target == "Actin"], na.rm = TRUE))

# Calculate absolute expression (fold change) to housekeeping gene
df <- df %>%
  mutate(Absolute_Expression = 2 ^ -Delta_Cq)

# Determine control sample 
control_genotype <- "Col0"
control_treatment <- "DMSO"
control_time <- 6

# Calculate mean Delta Cq for each target in the control condition
control_mean_Delta_Cq <- df %>%
  filter(Genotype == control_genotype, Treatment == control_treatment, Time == control_time) %>%
  group_by(Target) %>%
  summarise(mean_Delta_Cq = mean(Delta_Cq, na.rm = TRUE)) 

# Join this control mean Delta Cq with the main dataframe
df <- left_join(df, control_mean_Delta_Cq, by = "Target")

# Calculate relative expression (fold change) to the control condition for the same target
df <- df %>%
  mutate(Relative_Expression = 2 ^ -(Delta_Cq - mean_Delta_Cq))

# Filter out the housekeeping gene for plotting
df_noactin <- filter(df, Target != "Actin")
df_expression <- filter(df, Target != "Actin")

# Compute average and standard error
df_expression <- df_expression %>%
  group_by(Target, Genotype, Treatment, Time) %>%
  summarise(Avg_Abs = mean(Absolute_Expression, na.rm = TRUE),
            SE_Abs = sd(Absolute_Expression, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
            Avg_Rel = mean(Relative_Expression, na.rm = TRUE),
            SE_Rel = sd(Relative_Expression, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
            .groups = "drop")

# Reorder factors based on specified order (change when necessary)
order_genotypes <- c("Col0", "zat11", "zat18", "zat11xzat18", "ZAT18OE")
order_treatments <- c("DMSO", "ISX", "Sorbitol", "ISX+S", "Salt")

df_expression$Genotype <- factor(df_expression$Genotype, levels = order_genotypes)
df_expression$Treatment <- factor(df_expression$Treatment, levels = order_treatments)
df_noactin$Genotype <- factor(df_noactin$Genotype, levels = order_genotypes)
df_noactin$Treatment <- factor(df_noactin$Treatment, levels = order_treatments)

# Prepare the data for heatmap
# Reshape the data to wide format with Genotype as columns and Target as rows
df_heatmap <- df_expression %>%
  select(Target, Genotype, Avg_Rel) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Genotype, values_from = Avg_Rel) %>%
  column_to_rownames("Target")  # Set Target as row names for heatmap

# Generate the heatmap with clustering
         cluster_rows = TRUE,  # Cluster genes
         cluster_cols = TRUE,  # Cluster genotypes/treatments
         scale = "none",       # Data already log-transformed (you can also try "row" or "column" scaling)
         color = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(50), # Color gradient
         show_rownames = TRUE, 
         show_colnames = TRUE,
         clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",  # Distance metric for rows
         clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean",  # Distance metric for columns
         clustering_method = "complete",          # Clustering method
         main = paste("Clustered Gene Expression Heatmap:", filename),
         border_color = "white",
         legend = TRUE)

It's not obvious to me why you would get this error. First, restart your R session (in RStudio, go to the menu Session>Restart R) and try rerunning the code.

If that fails, restart the session again and rerun all the code up to the " Prepare the data for heatmap". Then, before continuing, check the result of:


(it should be "package:dplyr").

If that doesn't help, is there a way you could share an example file that reproduces the problem? Feel free to make up fake Cq, genotypes, ... but to understand what's going wrong we might need to see how the replicates are organized etc.