We use posit-workbench as our primary IDE work environment. When it comes to python we use the code-server implementation shipped with the workbench.
Since you cannot use MS-pylance in the OSS code-server version (legally) we rely on pyrigth but basic coding assistance (autocomplete, signature/args popups etc.) is lackluster at best and missing completely most of the time.
AFAIK there is no solution in the posit-wb documentation on how to turn the OSS code-server into a functioning python IDE (reliable auto-complete, signature/docstring assistance).
How did you solve/setup your posit-wb? Is it even possible without violating MS license restrictions when it comes to their python extensions?
PS: When it comes to python the wb is lackluster, the code-server solution seems like an afterthought (here are 1/2 parts, go figure the rest out by yourself) but it is what we are stuck with.
PPS: A posit-professional partner implemented our solution. They hadn’t done it before and had no ready made plan how to actually do it. Furthermore, they had absolutely no clue about the code-server python setups since they themselves use pycharm.