Hello ,
I've a problem to put my plot in a pdf with Rmardown.
It's a 3D plot that I create with rgl. I want to have a png of this animation that I can put in my pdf but I don't know how to do that. I can't let my plot in html (teacher want a pdf file). Can you help me? I don't know if it's very clear, sorry I'm new.
Here the code :
plot3d(x = new$ped, y = new$bmi, z = new$age, type = 's', col = newcol,
main = "Impact de 'age', de 'ped' et de 'bmi' sur le diabete",
xlab = 'Pedigree', ylab='Bmi', zlab='Age')
MatriceVue <- r3dDefaults$userMatrix
ModifParametre <- par3dinterp(time=(0:2), userMatrix = list(MatriceVue, rotate3d(MatriceVue,pi/3, 5, 0, 4), rotate3d(MatriceVue, pi/3, 0, 1, 2)))
rglwidget() %>%
playwidget(par3dinterpControl(ModifParametre, 0, 4, steps=10),
step = 0.05, loop = TRUE, rate = 0.5)