Problem: purrr::pmap()
output incompatible with ggplot::aes()
The following reprex boils down to a single question, is there anyway we can use the quoted variable names inside ggplot2::aes()
instead of the plain text names? Example: we typically use ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, cyl))
, how to make aes()
work normally with ggplot(mpg, aes("displ", "cyl"))
If you understood my question, the remainder of this reprex really adds no information. However, I added it to draw the full picture of the problem.
More details: I want to use purrr functions to create a bunch of routinely exploratory data analysis plots effortlessly. The problem is, purrr::pmap()
results the string-quoted name of the variables, which ggplot::aes()
doesn't understand. As far as I'm concerned, the functions cat()
can take the string-quoted variable name and return it in the very typical way that aes()
understands; unquoted. However, neither of them worked. The following reprex reproduces the problem. I commented the code to spare you the pain of figuring out what the code does.
# Divide the classes of variables into numeric and non-numeric. Goal: place a combination of numeric variables on the axes wwhile encoding a non-numeric variable.
mpg_numeric <- map_lgl(.x = seq_along(mpg), .f = ~ mpg[[.x]] %>% class() %in% c("numeric","integer"))
mpg_factor <- map_lgl(.x = seq_along(mpg), .f = ~ mpg[[.x]] %>% class() %in% c("factor","character"))
# create all possible combinations of the variables
eda_routine_combinations <- expand_grid(num_1 = mpg[mpg_numeric] %>% names(),
num_2 = mpg[mpg_numeric] %>% names(),
fct = mpg[mpg_factor] %>% names()) %>%
filter(num_1 != num_2) %>% slice_head(n = 2) # for simplicity, keep only the first 2 combinations
# use purrr::pmap() to create all the plots we want in a single call
pmap(.l = list(eda_routine_combinations$num_1,
eda_routine_combinations$fct) ,
.f = ~ mpg %>%
ggplot(aes(..1 , ..2, col = ..3)) +
geom_point() )
Next we pinpoint the problem using a typical ggplot2 call.
this is what we want purrr::pmap()
to create in its iterations:
mpg %>%
ggplot(aes(displ , cyl, fill = drv)) +
However, this is purrr::pmap()
renders; quoted variable names:
mpg %>%
ggplot(aes("displ" , "cyl", fill = "drv")) +
Failing attempts
Using cat()
to transform the quoted variable names from pmap()
into unquoted form for aes()
to understand fails.
mpg %>%
ggplot(aes(cat("displ") , cat("cyl"), fill = cat("drv"))) +
to transform the quoted variable names from pmap()
into unquoted form for aes()
to understand fails.
mpg %>%
ggplot(aes("displ") ,"cyl"), fill ="drv"))) +
Bottom line
Is there a way to make ggplot(aes("quoted_var_name"))
work properly?