is there a function in purrr or tidyr that will split a nxp tibble (y) with list columns to a list (yl) of length n with p elements, where each n is a row from x.
this is with lapply
y <- tibble(a=purrr::rerun(10,tibble(x=purrr::rerun(100,data.frame(xx=rnorm(10))))),b=1:10)
yl <- lapply(1:10,function(x) y%>%slice(x)%>%unlist(.,recursive = FALSE))
# A tibble: 100 x 1
1 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
2 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
3 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
4 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
5 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
6 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
7 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
8 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
9 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
10 <data.frame [10 x 1]>
# ... with 90 more rows
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