publishing my app, fails to load with error : Warning: Error in library: there is no package called ‘xxx’

When I try to publish my app, it fails to load with error :
Warning: Error in library: there is no package called ‘xxx’

I did define the biconductor packages and relevant R packages using External in rstudio-connect.gcfg.

My version of R is 3.5.0

It Is likely that the package isn't installed in the system library for R 3.5.0. The external setting tells Connect to ignore the package during environment restore, which means it will need to be installed manually.

In future versions of RStudio Connect we'll be adding a parser that checks for this case when RStudio Connect starts to better equip admins to prevent this problem. Please open a support ticket if installing the package doesn't resolve the issue.

Hi Slopp,

I already have the packages installed.

[1] "R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)"
[1] ‘0.4.8’

You will want to be sure it is installed in the system library, is that the case? I'd also recommend emailing to be sure we can track the resolution of the problem.

Hi Sloop,

I did check the .libPaths() of R-3.5.0 and found the packages being installed in that path

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