Problems with the packages Hmisc and abind

Hi all,

I have two problems with two different packages.

When I try to load the package abind with the following command: library(abind, pos=4) the package is loaded. But when I try to run the function numSummary this function could not be found, although the package is loaded.

When I try to load the package Hmisc with the following command: library(Hmisc, pos=4) this appears:
Attache Paket: ‘Hmisc’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

format.pval, units

Also this package is loaded but when I try to run rcorr.adjust this function could not be found.

Does somebody know how I can solve this problem?

Thanks for your responses.

Best regards,


It looks like both of those functions are part of the RcmdrMisc package

It works now. Thanks a lot and a happy new year! :wink:

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