Hey guys
I've created a table called "tbl" in R Markdown which has a Vector c("$T_{m}$", A, B, C, "$m^2$") as rowname. I want the expressions "$T_{m} $", "$m^2$" to be printed as Latex-codes. So first I used the following command within a R-Chunk:
kable(tbl, escape = FALSE, format = 'html', booktabs=TRUE, caption = "Table 1", align = "c")
This works perfectly, but doesn't look very good. Therefore i added some commands:
kable(tbl, escape = FALSE, format = 'html', booktabs=TRUE, caption = "Table 1", align = "c") %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = "scale_down", escape=FALSE) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"), full_width = F)
So now my table looks good, but doesn't print the Latex-codes in the right way anymore. Instead it prints the codes as they are (e.g. "$T_{m}$" as result).
Whats the problem with the two new commands?