Problems with flexdashboard and CSS

I made a dashboard with flexdashboard and after formatting, my notebook caused an error that is shown in the file attachment. I already tried to reinstall R, Rstudio, and the libraries and it continues to happen. I also tried to create a new project and run from zero again but without success. Can someone give me some advice about this problem?

I see some related discussion here

Do you know what sizeInfo@width might be causing this error? The issue above dealt with a htmlwidget.

Curtis Kephart, many thanks for your guidance. I am a new user of R. I created the dashboard since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, and it always worked well ..... I have not introduced any recent changes that justify that error.

The solution to the problem is:......

{r, echo=FALSE, fig.height = 4, dev = 'jpeg'}

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FWIW I think this is related to this issue :

A fix will come soon.


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