Problems with EGAnet package - results are probably not correct

Hi, everyone.

I am currently using EGAnet package to explore the dimensionality of a psychological assessment scale. The results are suggesting a unidimensional structure for EGA. However, when I run BootEGA for 500 interactions, found a five-dimensional structure. In addition, based on the object created by BootEGA, the frequency found 100% of the time is one dimension; and the stability plot (regarding item stability function) reveals that all items were systematically identified within their dimension, with values > 0.70, suggesting that all items were stable and replicated in only one (unique) dimension. According to Dr. Hudson Golino (i emailed him), "The results are not quite correct", and I installed the github version of the package and re-did the analysis.
However, with the same code I was using before EGA gives me 5 dimensions instead of one (first result I obtained). I cannot understand why this is happening and, moreover, why I can’t run the BootEGA now - When I try to run it, I get an error (see below), which did not happen before.

Is anyone with experience in EGA available to help me please?
Thank you so much!

King regards,
Cláudia Oliveira

Not much useful can be offered without a reprex (see the FAQ). From what is visible from the screenshot, the value [s] of wc is not sufficient for the purpose for which it is being used

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