Problems when scraping data using R

I try to scrap article information (title, authors, abstract), but there exists a problem when I scrap the abstract. I have 261 weblinks. The number of abstracts is only 19. And there is an error. Can anyone help me~ Thanks!

The following is the data:

read_html(url[1],encoding = 'utf-8') %>%
html_nodes(' #search-results > > > div > article:nth-child(2) > div.docsum-wrap > div.docsum-content > a') %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE)

read_html(url[1],encoding = 'utf-8') %>%
html_nodes('.docsum-title') %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE)

title <- c()
for (i in url) {
title <- c(title,read_html(i,encoding = 'utf-8') %>% html_nodes(".docsum-title") %>% html_text(trim = T))

check numbers


author <- c()
for (i in url) {
author <- c(author,read_html(i,encoding = 'utf-8') %>%
html_nodes('.full-authors') %>%

web <- c()
for (i in url) {
web <- c(web,read_html(i,encoding = 'utf-8') %>% html_nodes('.docsum-title') %>% html_attr(name = 'href'))

web_link <- paste('',web,sep = '')

abstract <- list()
for (i in web_link) {
abstract[[i]] <- read_html(i,encoding = 'utf-8') %>% html_nodes("#eng-abstract > p") %>% html_text(trim = T)

Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : HTTP error 404.


Not sure about this because can't see the full picture, but given the error is a 404:
Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : HTTP error 404.
I would guess the web_link <- paste('',web,sep = '') is not forming the URL properly and there may be a / out of place or missing. Do you get any 404 not found errors when you go to the URLs in web_link manually?

I try to go to the URLs in web_link manually and every link works well :grinning:

The following code works well~

abstract <- list()

for (i in web_link) {
page_content <- read_html(i, encoding = 'utf-8')
abstracts <- page_content %>% html_nodes("#eng-abstract > p") %>% html_text(trim = T)
abstract[[i]] <- abstracts
}, error = function(e) {
warning(paste("Failed to retrieve data from", i, "Error:", conditionMessage(e)))

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