Problems adding the legend of the months to the boxplot, as well as the distribution points of the samples

Hello everyone, I hope you and your family are very well. For some reason, due to the way I wrote this script, I have problems generating the legend of the graph that indicates the months with their respective colors.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: car
#> Loading required package: carData
#> Attaching package: 'car'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     recode
#> Attaching package: 'qqplotr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:ggplot2':
#>     stat_qq_line, StatQqLine
#> Attaching package: 'DescTools'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:car':
#>     Recode
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'FSA':
#>   method       from
#>   confint.boot car 
#>   hist.boot    car
#> ## FSA v0.9.1. See citation('FSA') if used in publication.
#> ## Run fishR() for related website and fishR('IFAR') for related book.
#> Attaching package: 'FSA'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:car':
#>     bootCase

#Domains <- read_excel("~/RSTUDIO/Domains.xlsx")
Domains  <- data.frame (tibble::tribble(
                           ~Study.Group,     ~Domains,   ~Bacteria,    ~Archaea,    ~Eukarya,      ~Virus,
                                 "July", "61_contigs", 0.880847116, 0.002643801, 0.115560065, 0.000949017,
                                 "July", "62_contigs", 0.920484467, 0.005188828, 0.072881856, 0.001444848,
                                 "July", "63_contigs", 0.925870536, 0.005730109, 0.066773145,  0.00162621,
                                 "July", "64_contigs", 0.890393147, 0.005825359, 0.102438051, 0.001343443,
                                 "July", "65_contigs", 0.891769753, 0.003653817, 0.103614837, 0.000961593,
                                 "July", "66_contigs", 0.922044928, 0.005587012, 0.070744779, 0.001623281,
                                 "July", "67_contigs", 0.917569758, 0.005504784, 0.075590999,  0.00133446,
                                 "July", "68_contigs", 0.910076424, 0.005385183, 0.083217084, 0.001321309,
                                 "July", "69_contigs", 0.934224313, 0.007010934,  0.05702881, 0.001735942,
                                 "July", "70_contigs", 0.918057364, 0.006857865, 0.073332504, 0.001752268,
                               "August", "71_contigs", 0.933091981, 0.006099055, 0.058892902, 0.001916062,
                               "August", "72_contigs", 0.919146441, 0.005529882, 0.074240681, 0.001082996,
                               "August", "73_contigs", 0.939901124, 0.007186859, 0.051068078, 0.001843938,
                               "August", "74_contigs", 0.893910442,  0.00553633, 0.099356539, 0.001196689,
                               "August", "75_contigs", 0.846584608,  0.00304495, 0.149613348, 0.000757093,
                               "August", "76_contigs", 0.923791063, 0.003430949, 0.072009401, 0.000768587,
                               "August", "77_contigs", 0.933076213, 0.006284349, 0.058913334, 0.001726104,
                               "August", "78_contigs", 0.903286566, 0.005218661, 0.090166915, 0.001327858,
                               "August", "79_contigs", 0.951990696, 0.006367051, 0.039858017, 0.001784236,
                               "August", "80_contigs", 0.934641791, 0.005916396, 0.056694205, 0.002747607,
                            "September", "81_contigs", 0.942534071, 0.006531338, 0.049154322, 0.001780269,
                            "September", "82_contigs",  0.96629261, 0.005941053, 0.026163694, 0.001602643,
                            "September", "83_contigs", 0.960738692, 0.005542873, 0.032279947, 0.001438487,
                            "September", "84_contigs", 0.916569098, 0.004954535, 0.077039878, 0.001436489,
                            "September", "85_contigs", 0.914282139, 0.006007411, 0.078013275, 0.001697175,
                            "September", "86_contigs",    0.973336, 0.003445779, 0.022345596, 0.000872625,
                            "September", "87_contigs", 0.959918428,    0.006089,  0.03207625, 0.001916321,
                            "September", "88_contigs", 0.908228318, 0.003879184, 0.086912551, 0.000979946,
                            "September", "89_contigs",  0.98637235, 0.005068201, 0.007204716, 0.001354733,
                            "September", "90_contigs",  0.95708559, 0.007037582, 0.033863142, 0.002013686

July <- Domains %>% slice(1:10)
August <- Domains %>% slice(11:20)
September <- Domains %>% slice(21:30)

Bacteria <- tibble("Jul" = July$Bacteria, "Aug" = August$Bacteria, "Sep" = September$Bacteria)
Eukarya <- tibble("Jul" = July$Eukarya, "Aug" = August$Eukarya, "Sep" = September$Eukarya)
Archaea <- tibble("Jul" = July$Archaea, "Aug" = August$Archaea, "Sep" = September$Archaea)
Virus <- tibble("Jul" = July$Virus, "Aug" = August$Virus, "Sep" = September$Virus)

BacteriaRA <- data.frame(x=unlist(Bacteria))
Bacteria2 <- tibble("Study.Group" = Domains$`Study.Group`, "Bacteria" = BacteriaRA$x)
ArchaeaRA <- data.frame(x=unlist(Archaea))
Archaea2 <- tibble("Study.Group" = Domains$`Study.Group`, "Archaea" = ArchaeaRA$x)
EukaryaRA <- data.frame(x=unlist(Eukarya))
Eukarya2 <- tibble("Study.Group" = Domains$`Study.Group`, "Eukarya" = EukaryaRA$x)
VirusRA <- data.frame(x=unlist(Virus))
Virus2 <- tibble("Study.Group" = Domains$`Study.Group`, "Virus" = VirusRA$x)

#>  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data:  Bacteria$Jul
#> W = 0.90555, p-value = 0.2518
#>  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data:  Bacteria$Aug
#> W = 0.85853, p-value = 0.07331
#>  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data:  Bacteria$Sep
#> W = 0.90877, p-value = 0.2727

fligner.test(`Bacteria` ~ `Study.Group`,Bacteria2)
#>  Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances
#> data:  Bacteria by Study.Group
#> Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 1.2436, df = 2, p-value = 0.537
# If the test reveals a p-value greater than 0.05, indicating that there is no significant difference between the group variances
leveneTest(`Bacteria` ~ `Study.Group`,Bacteria2,center = "median")
#> Warning in leveneTest.default(y = y, group = group, ...): group coerced to
#> factor.
#> Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = "median")
#>       Df F value Pr(>F)
#> group  2  0.5374 0.5904
#>       27
# If the test reveals a p-value greater than 0.05, indicating that there is no significant difference between the group variances

anova_bacteria <- aov(Bacteria2$Bacteria ~ Bacteria2$`Study.Group`)
#>                       Df   Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
#> Bacteria2$Study.Group  2 0.007937 0.003969   6.075 0.00663 **
#> Residuals             27 0.017638 0.000653                   
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

# Prepare a vector of colors with specific color 
my_colors <- c( 
  rgb(0.1,0.8,0.9,maxColorValue = 1))
Bacteria2$`Study.Group` <- factor(Bacteria2$`Study.Group`,
    levels = c('July','August','September'),ordered = TRUE)

# Build the plot
boxplot(Bacteria2$Bacteria ~ Bacteria2$`Study.Group` , 
    ylab="Relative Abundance" , xlab="Study.Group")

Created on 2021-11-26 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Good reprex. Not sure, however, of the goal. Is it to make the words "July", "August" and "September" to be shown in purple, greenish and cyan along the x-axis?

Yes, I just want to obtain that...But for some reason I failed to accommodate those months in such a way as a legend.

Is this what you mean? You have included a lot of code in your reprex that doesn't seem relevant to the plot so I'm not sure I understand what you want.


Domains  <- tibble::tribble(
    ~Study.Group,     ~Domains,   ~Bacteria,    ~Archaea,    ~Eukarya,      ~Virus,
    "July", "61_contigs", 0.880847116, 0.002643801, 0.115560065, 0.000949017,
    "July", "62_contigs", 0.920484467, 0.005188828, 0.072881856, 0.001444848,
    "July", "63_contigs", 0.925870536, 0.005730109, 0.066773145,  0.00162621,
    "July", "64_contigs", 0.890393147, 0.005825359, 0.102438051, 0.001343443,
    "July", "65_contigs", 0.891769753, 0.003653817, 0.103614837, 0.000961593,
    "July", "66_contigs", 0.922044928, 0.005587012, 0.070744779, 0.001623281,
    "July", "67_contigs", 0.917569758, 0.005504784, 0.075590999,  0.00133446,
    "July", "68_contigs", 0.910076424, 0.005385183, 0.083217084, 0.001321309,
    "July", "69_contigs", 0.934224313, 0.007010934,  0.05702881, 0.001735942,
    "July", "70_contigs", 0.918057364, 0.006857865, 0.073332504, 0.001752268,
    "August", "71_contigs", 0.933091981, 0.006099055, 0.058892902, 0.001916062,
    "August", "72_contigs", 0.919146441, 0.005529882, 0.074240681, 0.001082996,
    "August", "73_contigs", 0.939901124, 0.007186859, 0.051068078, 0.001843938,
    "August", "74_contigs", 0.893910442,  0.00553633, 0.099356539, 0.001196689,
    "August", "75_contigs", 0.846584608,  0.00304495, 0.149613348, 0.000757093,
    "August", "76_contigs", 0.923791063, 0.003430949, 0.072009401, 0.000768587,
    "August", "77_contigs", 0.933076213, 0.006284349, 0.058913334, 0.001726104,
    "August", "78_contigs", 0.903286566, 0.005218661, 0.090166915, 0.001327858,
    "August", "79_contigs", 0.951990696, 0.006367051, 0.039858017, 0.001784236,
    "August", "80_contigs", 0.934641791, 0.005916396, 0.056694205, 0.002747607,
    "September", "81_contigs", 0.942534071, 0.006531338, 0.049154322, 0.001780269,
    "September", "82_contigs",  0.96629261, 0.005941053, 0.026163694, 0.001602643,
    "September", "83_contigs", 0.960738692, 0.005542873, 0.032279947, 0.001438487,
    "September", "84_contigs", 0.916569098, 0.004954535, 0.077039878, 0.001436489,
    "September", "85_contigs", 0.914282139, 0.006007411, 0.078013275, 0.001697175,
    "September", "86_contigs",    0.973336, 0.003445779, 0.022345596, 0.000872625,
    "September", "87_contigs", 0.959918428,    0.006089,  0.03207625, 0.001916321,
    "September", "88_contigs", 0.908228318, 0.003879184, 0.086912551, 0.000979946,
    "September", "89_contigs",  0.98637235, 0.005068201, 0.007204716, 0.001354733,
    "September", "90_contigs",  0.95708559, 0.007037582, 0.033863142, 0.002013686

my_colors <- c( 
    'July' = rgb(0.6,0,1),
    'August' = rgb(0.6,0.9,0), 
    'September' = rgb(0.1,0.8,0.9,maxColorValue = 1))

Domains %>%
    mutate(Study.Group = factor(Study.Group, levels = c('July', 'August', 'September'))) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = Study.Group, y = Bacteria, fill = Study.Group)) +
    stat_boxplot(geom = 'errorbar') +
    geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) +
    labs(x = "Study.Group",
         y = "Relative Abundance") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = my_colors) +
    theme_light() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = my_colors))

Created on 2021-11-26 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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I referred to this with legend of the graph:

To the information exposed in the graph, by months of study. Sorry if I confused you.


The image is just an example

OK then, you just need to set show.legend to TRUE (or remove that argument since TRUE is the default value).

Although, using a legend for a variable already maped to the x-axis seems a little redundant (you are showing the same information in two places, which can contribute to overploting issues).

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