Hello. I'm a new user of R Studio and i'm struggling to make a graph that I need.
It looks like this. I think maybe there is a problem because numbers on y axis range from 0 to 45,000? I checked few times are there are only numbers in the data.
I used formula as followed:
b <- ggplot(data = DATA, mapping = aes(x = 산업분류.대., y =연구개발비_자체))
b + geom_jitter()
Also, before there were some stars and blank spaces ("*") in the data so i replaced it using:
DATA$연구개발비_자체<- replace(DATA$연구개발비_자체, DATA$연구개발비_자체 == "*", 0)
DATA$연구개발비_자체<- replace(DATA$연구개발비_자체, DATA$연구개발비_자체 == "**", 0)
DATA$연구개발비_자체<- replace(DATA$연구개발비_자체, DATA$연구개발비_자체 == "***", 0)
DATA$연구개발비_자체<- replace(DATA$연구개발비_자체, DATA$연구개발비_자체 == " ", 0)
I would really appreciate your help. I tried to find answers to this issue but failed. I also tried using geom_col() and geom_point() but the same problem reappears...