Hi. Sorry for my English. I am from México. I have a problem with the package map since I install R 4.0.0. I developed an app that can show a dynamic map and I didn't have problems to upload to the Web until I installed R 4.0.0 and R Studio 1.3.959. So, I can run my app in a local window and see the map, but when I try to upload to the web, I can't.
I have tried a lot of things. For example, 1) make the polygons valids, 2) in the settings apps I disabled the Package Cache option, 3) I have installed the lwgeom package, 4) I have installed the sf package
I read that probably is a problem with R 4.0.0. So, I come to ask for your help. Thanks
- My code to build the map is:
tm <- tm_shape(map_and_data) +
tm_fill("CASOS",id = "MUNICIPIO", palette = "Reds" , breaks = c(0,0.5,10,100,max(edomun$CASOS)), labels = c ("0", "de 1 a 10", "de 10 a 100", paste("de 100 a", max(edomun$CASOS)) ) ) +
tm_borders("grey25", alpha=.05) +
tm_layout( paste("Casos de COVID-19 por municipio al", names(input_c)[length(input_c)] ) ,
main.title.position = "center") + tm_view(view.legend.position = c("left","bottom") )
- To run in the app I have the code:
output$my_tmap = renderLeaflet({
} %>%
setView(lng = -102.180557, 22.675095, zoom = 5) )
When I run in local, I can see the map, but an error appears saying: "Warning in renderWidget(instance) :
Ignoring appended content; appendContent can't be used in a Shiny render call" -
When I try to publish in web I have the error:
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 745863941 failed: Error building image: Error building lwgeom (0.2-4). Build exited with non-zero status: 1
Execution halted
I appreciate your help