Hi, i'm a French student and I have some project to do.
It is very "basic", I want to create a map with a french region, cities and polling stations
Here is my code, R can't find the 3 files but i'm sure they are in the good place so I don't understand
thank you for your help
install.packages(c("ggplot2","devtools", "dplyr", "stringr" ))
install.packages(c("maps", "mapdata", "sf", "units", "gghighlight"))
library(ggplot2); library(stringr) ; library(ggmap); library(maps); library(sf)
library(mapdata); library(units); library(gghighlight); library(ggsflabel)
imgwd <- "C:/Users/Sandrine/Documents/PROJETJOAQINthomas/FICHIERS R STUDIO"
PB_CONTOUR <- st_read(file.path(imgwd, "contours-pays-basque.json"))
COMMUNES <- st_read(file.path(imgwd, "contours-communes.json"))
BUREAUX <- st_read(file.path(imgwd, "contours-bureaux-vote.json"))
geom_sf(data=PB_CONTOUR, fill="red", color="red",alpha=.8)+
geom_sf(data=COMMUNES, fill="white", color="black",alpha=.8)+
geom_sf(data=BUREAUX, fill="red", color="red",alpha=.8)