Hello. I need to write a sintax that reads a SPSS database and then estimate totals using the svyby() command. The problem appears when I try to do it into a function. First I read the data outside of the function with these commands:
baseTot <- read_sav(here("C:/Base.sav")) %>%
rename(UPMs=Cons, Estrato=Estra, Factor=Fact)
diseño <- svydesign(id=~1, strata=~Estrato, data=baseTot, weights=~Factor
marco <- as_factor(baseTot$TipodeMarco)
cruce <- as_factor(baseTot$Sector)
y <- as_factor(baseTot$Con)
Then I run this function:
estimaciones <- function(baseTot, diseño, y, cruce) {
a_n <- svyby(~y, ~marco, diseño, unwtd.count, keep.var=FALSE)
a_e <- svyby(~y, ~marco, diseño, svytotal, deff=TRUE, keep.var=TRUE, vartype=c("se","ci","cvpct"))
ab_n <- svyby(~y, ~cruce+marco, diseño, unwtd.count, keep.var=FALSE)
ab_e <- svyby(~y, ~cruce+marco, diseño, svytotal, deff=TRUE, keep.var=TRUE, vartype=c("se","ci","cvpct"))
And when I call the function I obtain this error:
est <- estimaciones(baseTot, diseño, ~y, ~cruce)
Error in model.frame.default(x, model.frame(design), na.action = na.pass) :
object is not a matrix
Called from: model.frame.default(x, model.frame(design), na.action = na.pass)
It is important to mention that the commands work properly if they are not into a function. What could be the problem?
I appreciate your help on this issue.
Thank you