I have 2 data.frames, one is a base (test_base ) in which I am working and the other is the changes to be made in the base (obs_changes).
Here are the codes of the 2 bases so you can look at it:
test_base<- tibble(id= 1:25,
name= as.factor(sample(c("Celeste", "Fernando", "Juan", "Lucia", "Maria", "Pablo"), 25, replace= T)),
class= as.factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), 25, replace= T)),
note= rnorm(25, mean= 6, sd=1),
country= as.factor(sample(c("Argentina", "France", "USA"), 25, replace= T)))
id name class note country
1 1 Fernando D 6.63 Argentina
2 2 Pablo D 6.79 Argentina
3 3 Juan B 4.61 Argentina
4 4 Celeste B 6.30 France
5 5 Celeste D 7.25 France
6 6 Celeste D 7.27 Argentina
structure(list(date = structure(1647820800, tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), base_archive = "test_base ", n_rows = 25, n_cols = 5,
id = 5, variable = "name", previous_value = "Fernando", new_value = "Lucas"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
date base_archive n_rows n_cols id variable previous_value new_value
<dttm> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
2022-03-21 "test_base " 25 5 5 name Fernando Lucas
obs_changes$variable is the name of the column of base_test that I need to modify.
> obs_changes$variable
[1] "name"
base_test has a column named "name" and i need to modify one of the values
I need to make changes to the base but following the values that appear in obs_changes. The problem appears when I want to apply mutate() on the base and it doesn't let me, I don't understand why.
For example, when I do
test_base %>%
mutate(obs_changes$variable= 2)
throws me an error
Error: unexpected '=' in: " test_base %>%
But the strange thing is that in other syntaxes there is no problem, for example:
base_test[, obs_changes$variable]
brings me without problems the column