I am having a problem converting a working string of code into a function.
It looks like I am messing up in specifying the function variable in the function code. Presumably I am doing something stupid bet I can't see it.
Sample data is at the bottom of the message. Note I am using {data.table}
setDF(DT1) # Convert data.frame to data.table
## Working Code
cty <- DT1[country_code == "ABW"]
nation <- paste(as.character(cty[1, 1]), "Birthrate")
cty_names <- names(cty)
cty_names <- cty_names[3:length(cty_names)]
cty_names <- sub(".", "", cty_names) |> as.numeric()
cty_br <- unlist(cty[1,])
cty_br <- cty_br[3:length(cty_br)] |> as.numeric()
target <- data.table(cty_names, cty_br)
ggplot(target, aes(cty_names, cty_br)) +
geom_point(colour = "red") + geom_line(group = 1, colour ="blue") +
labs(title = nation, x = "Years", y = "Birthrate")
## Not-working function
myplot <- function(my_country){
cty <- DT[country_code == "my_country"]
nation <- paste(as.character(cty[1, 1]), "Birthrate")
cty_names <- names(cty)
cty_names <- cty_names[3:length(cty_names)]
cty_names <- sub(".", "", cty_names) |> as.numeric()
cty_br <- unlist(cty[1,])
cty_br <- cty_br[3:length(cty_br)] |> as.numeric()
target <- data.table(cty_names, cty_br)
ggplot(target, aes(cty_names, cty_br)) +
geom_point(colour = "red") + geom_line(group = 1, colour ="blue") +
labs(title = nation, x = "Years", y = "Birthrate")
Sample Data
DT1 <- structure(list(country_name = c("Aruba", "Africa Eastern and Southern",
"Afghanistan", "Africa Western and Central", "Angola", "Albania",
"Andorra", "Arab World", "United Arab Emirates", "Argentina",
"Armenia", "American Samoa", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Australia",
"Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Burundi", "Belgium", "Benin", "Burkina Faso",
"Bangladesh", "Bulgaria"), country_code = c("ABW", "AFE", "AFG",
"AFW", "AGO", "ALB", "AND", "ARB", "ARE", "ARG", "ARM", "ASM",
"ATG", "AUS", "AUT", "AZE", "BDI", "BEL", "BEN", "BFA", "BGD",
"BGR"), y1960 = c(4.82, 6.72322577683399, 7.282, 6.45906325929944,
6.708, 6.455, NA, 6.92532650587424, 6.718, 3.075, 4.786, NA,
4.602, 3.453, 2.69, 5.878, 7.003, 2.54, 6.282, 6.248, 6.784,
2.31), y1961 = c(4.655, 6.74212391533005, 7.284, 6.47209862023661,
6.79, 6.353, NA, 6.97349319481517, 6.678, 3.069, 4.67, NA, 4.559,
3.54, 2.78, 5.937, 7.023, 2.63, 6.402, 6.286, 6.831, 2.29), y1962 = c(4.471,
6.76234266665616, 7.292, 6.49239470136811, 6.872, 6.207, NA,
7.068162514806, 6.659, 3.106, 4.521, NA, 4.547, 3.442, 2.8, 5.961,
7.038, 2.59, 6.457, 6.322, 6.865, 2.24), y1963 = c(4.271, 6.7781328342706,
7.302, 6.50652816532602, 6.954, 6.047, NA, 7.06315409593758,
6.619, 3.101, 4.345, NA, 4.536, 3.332, 2.82, 5.945, 7.067, 2.68,
6.51, 6.356, 6.841, 2.21), y1964 = c(4.059, 6.78782143731601,
7.304, 6.52552945628155, 7.036, 5.849, NA, 7.05309784978593,
6.573, 3.08, 4.15, NA, 4.484, 3.146, 2.79, 5.888, 7.09, 2.71,
6.565, 6.419, 6.837, 2.19)), row.names = c(NA, -22L), class = "data.frame")