I want to create bufferzones around certain points. the bufferzones should be within 250, 250 to 500 and 500 to 1000m around the points. my problem is, that the bigger bufferzones dont subtract the unwanted distances. what do i do wrong?
First, i converted the two datasets (the first one contains the points, the second one the layer, a city map):
Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm <- st_transform(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf, crs = 32633)
dat_sf_utm <- st_transform(dat_sf, crs = 32633)
then i created the bufferzones:
bufferzone_250 <- st_buffer(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, dist = 250)
bufferzone_250_to_500 <- st_buffer(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, dist = 500) %>%
st_difference(st_buffer(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, dist = 250))
bufferzone_500_to_1000 <- st_buffer(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, dist = 1000) %>%
st_difference(st_buffer(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, dist = 500))
buffer_250 <- st_make_valid(bufferzone_250)
buffer_250_to_500 <- st_make_valid(bufferzone_250_to_500)
buffer_500_to_1000 <- st_make_valid(bufferzone_500_to_1000)
inside_250 <- st_intersects(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, bufferzone_250)
inside_250_to_500 <- st_intersects(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, bufferzone_250_to_500)
inside_500_to_1000 <- st_intersects(Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, bufferzone_500_to_1000)
when i test the buffer zones with the following plot, i can see that the unwanted distances didnt substract:
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = dat_sf_utm) +
geom_sf(data = bufferzone_250_to_500, fill = 'lightblue', alpha = 0.2) +
geom_sf(data = Geodaten_Anlagen_sf_utm, color = "red", size = 1) +
labs(title = "test") +
obviously there is sth wrong but i dont understand.
another hint that there is a mistake somewhere: the count of observations in bufferzone 250 to 500 isequal to the zone 500 to 1000.
Can somebody help?
Thanks a lot,