Problem with calling the columns in R

Hello everyone,

I have a R code which I run it once, the second time I want to run it, I receive the error which one column could not be found.
This is the code:

dat <- read.csv2("donnees/donneesOdeurs_400180_202310013.csv") %>%

and this is the error:

Error in dplyr::select():
! Can't select columns that don't exist.
:heavy_multiplication_x: Column Traitement doesn't exist.

is there anyone could help me?

Could you show us


Hi @azinzand, this said that the Traitement doesn't exist in the data frame dat. So, you need to check the correct names of the data frame.

names(dat) # You get col names and next try your script.

but it does really exist as you can see in the image below:

but it does really exist as you can see in the image below:

But column P5 does not exist. Are you sure this is the file it loads on the first run? Does the code change the file?

I changed P5 to P4, but still received the same error

I can see why you're puzzled. Maybe post a few rows of the csv file here, as text not as a picture.

sure, here it is:

Traitement Periode Repetition P1 P2 P3 P4
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Avant 27 240 240 240 240
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Pendant 27 480 480 960 960
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Après 27 480 480 240 240
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Avant 28 240 480 240 480
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Pendant 28 960 1940 1940
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Après 28 240 480 480
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Avant 29 240 240 240 480
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Pendant 29 480 480 240 480
Fumier_VacheL_B.Verticaux Après 29 480 240 240 240
Fumier_VacheL_B.Horizontaux Avant 30 240 480 1940 480
Fumier_VacheL_B.Horizontaux Pendant 30 480 240 960 480
Fumier_VacheL_B.Horizontaux Après 30 480 240 960 480

Works perfectly for me...which I realize is not very helpful.

Hello everyone, it seems I found the problem with this code. it can only read up to P2 in a line and shift the rest of columns in another line. do you have any idea to modify it in my csv file or in R studio?

This suggests that there is something funky with the file, like an end-of-line where it doesn't belong. What happens if you read it into Excel? If it reads in properly, you might save a copy from Excel and try to load that copy into R.

Could I ask how many rows the table has? And are the contents publicly shareable, or are they private or proprietary in nature?

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