Hey. I once sent an automated email from a designated outlook account and now when i re-run the code it throws me this error:
Error in curl_fetch_memory(smtp_server, handle = h) : Login denied
I tried to update my credentials from file to id but still had these issues.
Here is a sample:
file = "iamyannc_creds",
user = "iamyannc@outlook.com",
provider = "outlook"
I provided the password in the pop-up.
email <-
title = blastula::md("An automated email from iamYannC"),
body = blastula::md("Hey, Something is up. please check <https://github.com/iamYannC/>"),
footer = Sys.Date()
email |>
to = "iamyannc@outlook.com",
from = "iamyannc@outlook.com",
subject = "Look! something changed",
credentials = creds_file("iamyannc_creds")
And then the error occurd.
blastula * 0.3.5
curl 5.2.3
R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24 ucrt)