Problem with blastula (automated email) (error)

Hey. I once sent an automated email from a designated outlook account and now when i re-run the code it throws me this error:
Error in curl_fetch_memory(smtp_server, handle = h) : Login denied.

I tried to update my credentials from file to id but still had these issues.

Here is a sample:


  file = "iamyannc_creds",
  user = "",
  provider = "outlook"

I provided the password in the pop-up.

email <-
    title = blastula::md("An automated email from iamYannC"),
    body = blastula::md("Hey, Something is up. please check <>"),
    footer = Sys.Date()

email |> 
    to = "",
    from = "",
    subject = "Look! something changed",
    credentials = creds_file("iamyannc_creds")

And then the error occurd.
blastula * 0.3.5
curl 5.2.3
R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24 ucrt)

I used Outlook instead Gmail following instruction of this awesome vídeo:

I tested with the simplest way but ended in the same error as you. Didn't find any solution. It seems Outlook now has the same security as Gmail and you need na App password.

My code (I used Rmarkdown and the video presents a Quarto document. Almost the same.)

# Load blastula package

# Create file containing credentials for email account
create_smtp_creds_file(file = "my_creds",
                       user = "",
                       provider = "outlook")

# Generate the email object using blástula + Rmarkdown
my_email_object <- render_email("email_test.Rmd")

# Send email
          from = "",
          to = "",
          subject = "My first Email from blastula!",
          credentials = creds_file("my_creds"))

Hi again.
I left Outlook and I used Gmail. It worked perfectly. You generate an App password in your Gmail account and make credentials in Rstudio following Blastula package. The rest is similar.
Outlook doesn't allow you create an app password (at least I didn't get it) to connect to smtp to send emails.
Use Gmail. It's easier.