Problem to fit NNETAR fable Model

Here I am again in my journey to learn fable package,

I have some issue in my code according below, maybe I have some misunderstanding about this model, I apologize about that


serie <- tibble(data = seq(as.Date("1949-01-01"), length = 24, by = "month"),
value1 = sample(1:24),
value2 = sample(1:24)) %>%
as_tsibble() %>%
fill_gaps(.full = TRUE)

serie<- serie %>%

fit_nn_train <- serie %>%
model(NNETAR(value1 ~ value2 + lag(value1, 5) + trend() + season() + AR(p = 1), n_nodes = 14, scale_inputs = T))

future <- new_data(serie, 1) %>%
mutate(value2 = mean(data_tsbl_train$value2)) %>%
mutate(value1 = 6)

fc <- forecast(fit_nn,new_data = future)

Erro: Problem with mutate() input NNETAR(value1 ~ value2 + lag(value1, 5) + trend() + season() + AR(p = 1), n_nodes = 14, scale_inputs = T).
x Problem with mutate() input .sim.
x I can't use NNETAR to forecast with missing values near the end of the series.
:information_source: Input .sim is sim_nnetar(.innov).
:information_source: Input NNETAR(value1 ~ value2 + lag(value1, 5) + trend() + season() + AR(p = 1), n_nodes = 14, scale_inputs = T) is (function (object, ...) ....

For me this error does not make sense, because there is no missing values in this dataset

Some help again will be highly appreciated,


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