Problem loading package sf

I am currently using a shared server running CentosOS7. I am trying to run RStudio IDE off it and had some trouble installing sf and s2 because the version of GDAL was not up to date. However, that was fixed by loading GDAL 3.1.3. However, whenever I try to load SF, I either get the following error, or R crashes:

library (sf)

Error: package or namespace load failed for 'sf' in dyn.load(file, DLLpath=DLLpath, ....):
unable to load shared object 'u/home/j/[my_name]/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library-RH7-/4.2.2/intel2022.1._gcc10.2.0/sf/libs/':
u/local/apps/gdal/3.1.3/gcc-4.8.5/lib/ undefined symbol: curl_mime_name

Does anyone know what this means or how to deal with it?

Hi @jnwadiuko,
you try install in this way?

I'm read problems with dependences gdal

install.packages("sf", dependencies = TRUE)

Unfortunately didn't work.

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