Problem in the loglikelihood computation in frailtypack

I have coded the following for a dataset of 360 participants.

ff4<- frailtyPenal(Surv(df$Wait, df$Eve)~ cluster(df$id) + df$Sce+ df$Cond + terminal(df$Hit),
formula.terminalEvent = ~df$Sce+ df$Cond +df$Spatial, n.knots = 12, kappa = c(100,100), data = df)

however, i am getting following error everytime, I have tried almost all combinations of n.konts and kappa
Warning message:
In frailtyPenal(Surv(df$Wait, df$Eve) ~ cluster(df$id) + df$Sce + :
Problem in the loglikelihood computation. The program stopped abnormally. Please verify your dataset.

Please provide some useful solutions for the error.

first thing that looks wrong is the profusion of df$, I would try to write some cleaner code, thats what the data param is for.

note, you have + + inyour code : (df$Sce+ + df$Cond) ; that seems non syntactic.

Thank you so much, however, that didnt solved the error. The same error is appearing.
"Warning message:
In frailtyPenal(Surv(df$T1, df$T2, df$Eve) ~ cluster(df$id2) + df$Sce + :
Problem in the loglikelihood computation. The program stopped abnormally. Please verify your dataset. "

Can you suggest something else?

I dont understand why you do this; can you try without ?

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