Okay, I think I see the problem, at least to some extent. I do not have EMSC so I cannot look at the example datasets but I have had a quick look at Data.txt and it is not in good shape to read into R.
It looks like the data was exported from a spreadsheet file and includes a lot of extraneous spreadsheet layout. You have two rows of text (two levels of variable names I assume) plus you have empty column separating what looks like three distinct sets of data. These things tend to confuse R.
Could you do a dput()* on one of the example data sets and post the results here to save me installing EMSC . It would help to have some idea of the expected layout.
To be honest, while R can handle these problems, it looks like a 2 minute edit in a spreadsheet might to the trick. In a spread sheet, I deleted the empty columns, deleted the first text row, renamed the variables and saved the file as a csv file.
OOPS, I forgot. The data file is using tabs as seperators. depending on the command you are using you may need to specify this. I used the R-R basic ocmmand read.csv and had to do so
dat1 <- read.csv("datmod1.csv", sep = "\t")
where sep = "\t"
tells R that we have a tab not a comma as separator.
Here is a sample of the result. Does it look like what you want?
dat1 <- structure(list(vz1 = c(1388.560547, 1387.330078, 1386.101563,
1384.871094, 1383.640625, 1382.410156, 1381.177734, 1379.947266,
1378.714844, 1377.484375, 1376.251953, 1375.019531, 1373.787109,
1372.554688, 1371.322266, 1370.089844, 1368.857422, 1367.623047,
1366.390625, 1365.15625, 1363.921875, 1362.6875, 1361.453125,
1360.21875, 1358.984375, 1357.75, 1356.513672, 1355.279297, 1354.042969,
1352.806641, 1351.570313, 1350.333984, 1349.097656, 1347.861328,
1346.625, 1345.386719, 1344.150391, 1342.912109, 1341.673828,
1340.435547, 1339.197266, 1337.958984, 1336.720703, 1335.482422,
1334.242188, 1333.003906, 1331.763672, 1330.523438, 1329.283203,
1328.042969), rz1 = c(33827.945313, 34120.652344, 33531.503906,
33722.835938, 33589.035156, 33540.589844, 33999.894531, 33569.636719,
33468.417969, 33616.910156, 33627.335938, 33347.582031, 33698.886719,
33494.261719, 33159.902344, 33677.320313, 33272.074219, 33256.164063,
33428.742188, 33396.589844, 33421.175781, 33626.03125, 33397.394531,
33025.0625, 33237.964844, 33390.058594, 33412.570313, 33259.019531,
33222.863281, 33022.863281, 32972.597656, 33031.535156, 33074.277344,
33145.300781, 33034.398438, 32998.292969, 33515.78125, 33146.296875,
32954.667969, 33096.285156, 33044.03125, 33318.804688, 33113.136719,
32923.679688, 33256.820313, 33160.1875, 32779.210938, 32942.8125,
32789.820313, 33265.792969), vz11 = c(1388.560547, 1387.330078,
1386.101563, 1384.871094, 1383.640625, 1382.410156, 1381.177734,
1379.947266, 1378.714844, 1377.484375, 1376.251953, 1375.019531,
1373.787109, 1372.554688, 1371.322266, 1370.089844, 1368.857422,
1367.623047, 1366.390625, 1365.15625, 1363.921875, 1362.6875,
1361.453125, 1360.21875, 1358.984375, 1357.75, 1356.513672, 1355.279297,
1354.042969, 1352.806641, 1351.570313, 1350.333984, 1349.097656,
1347.861328, 1346.625, 1345.386719, 1344.150391, 1342.912109,
1341.673828, 1340.435547, 1339.197266, 1337.958984, 1336.720703,
1335.482422, 1334.242188, 1333.003906, 1331.763672, 1330.523438,
1329.283203, 1328.042969), rz11 = c(33268.957031, 33305.546875,
33165.683594, 33338.789063, 33406.1875, 33311.054688, 32905.21875,
33242.710938, 33395.332031, 33334.757813, 33132.128906, 33195.394531,
33335.726563, 33094.648438, 33322.152344, 33253.515625, 33188.949219,
33049.402344, 33230.125, 32973.082031, 33123.351563, 33251.285156,
33067.269531, 32982.535156, 32776.351563, 33072.253906, 32872.1875,
32783.484375, 33069.101563, 32990.5, 33043.382813, 32857.632813,
33017.667969, 32791.550781, 32935.363281, 33123.578125, 33281.417969,
32986.714844, 33243.476563, 33009.457031, 33021.824219, 33153.28125,
32911.3125, 33393.84375, 33002.613281, 32768.855469, 33356.019531,
33114.210938, 33344.246094, 33017.855469), vz19 = c(1388.560547,
1387.330078, 1386.101563, 1384.871094, 1383.640625, 1382.410156,
1381.177734, 1379.947266, 1378.714844, 1377.484375, 1376.251953,
1375.019531, 1373.787109, 1372.554688, 1371.322266, 1370.089844,
1368.857422, 1367.623047, 1366.390625, 1365.15625, 1363.921875,
1362.6875, 1361.453125, 1360.21875, 1358.984375, 1357.75, 1356.513672,
1355.279297, 1354.042969, 1352.806641, 1351.570313, 1350.333984,
1349.097656, 1347.861328, 1346.625, 1345.386719, 1344.150391,
1342.912109, 1341.673828, 1340.435547, 1339.197266, 1337.958984,
1336.720703, 1335.482422, 1334.242188, 1333.003906, 1331.763672,
1330.523438, 1329.283203, 1328.042969), rz19 = c(34163.339844,
34382.867188, 34576.125, 34273.503906, 34168.050781, 34093.101563,
34558.398438, 34414.359375, 34114.035156, 34169.039063, 34398.558594,
34246.507813, 34007.269531, 34039.921875, 34175.992188, 34105.179688,
34184.417969, 34152.132813, 34369.140625, 34600.253906, 34661.097656,
34268.167969, 33984.734375, 34067.914063, 34242.167969, 34161.300781,
34163.4375, 34155.449219, 34155.554688, 34250.730469, 34080.917969,
34218.527344, 34348, 34010.46875, 34323.839844, 34180.414063,
34190.582031, 34035.097656, 34136.164063, 34146.320313, 34229.152344,
34118.164063, 34535.988281, 34045.617188, 34463.300781, 34104.222656,
34180.894531, 34511.613281, 33989.398438, 34174.890625)), row.names = c(NA,
50L), class = "data.frame")