Hi, welcome to the forum.
It is not clear to me that you did anything wrong. It looks like you have successfully plotted your first graph, What were you expecting to see?
You seem to be getting a standard warning that you have some missing data (NAs in R parlance). Unless you have good reason to think that there should be no missing data, I do not think you should worry.
Yes, this is normal. geom_smooth() offers several different smoothers. You didn't explicitly choose one, so it chose one for you and told you what it did.
If you want it to stop printing that message, you could write:
But that choice is not always the best. For other data, other smoothers might be better. For more information you might have a look at the description of the method argument in the documentation for geom_smooth(): Smoothed conditional means — geom_smooth • ggplot2
Perfectly normal. It is just reminding you of which smoother you are using. The default is loess but there are probably a dozen or so you can use. This just reminds you of the one you are currently using. You could be using a couple and forget which one you are currently using.