Problem deploying shinyapp into (unknown repository for package source)


I'm a newbie to shinyapps and I'm getting the following error message when I try to upload my app to

Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 560709149 failed: Error parsing manifest: Unknown repository for package source: r-forge

Any ideas what could be causing this?

It seems you have a :package: on your system that is installed from r-forge. I am not sure if recognize this repository (and it seems not).

When you try to deploy, it uses the :package: rsconnect that have function to identify the :package: your project uses, from where they were installed (looking at your repos options), and in which versions. Then it tried to replicate all this on the servers. So you only can have compatible repository.

See the documentation for details

Great!! I appreciate the rapid response.
Thank you

Is there a way to see which package is causing the error? I have an app that is using primarily all rstudio pkgs with the exclusion of lme4.

Please open a separate issue to discuss your problem if it is not exactly the same.

The error message should print when deploying. You have some options in rsconnect to add trace