Problem creating a script to calculate/summarise certain values from a csv file

That's already the hardest part of f(x) = y, clearly stating the matter to be determined. Everything in R is an object, including operators, such as + - * / and all functions f.

x is what is to hand and y is what is to be derived with f.

To start, x is a set of csv files, and each is to be converted to a data frame for further treatment, selection of the three variables of interest. Bringing us to

What does the current code do, using the sample data, shown by a a reprex (see the FAQ).

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# variable names changed to remove need for back quotes
d <- data.frame(Document = c(
  "Testfile100_xmi", "Testfile101_xmi",
  "Testfile101_xmi", "Testfile103_xmi", "Testfile106_xmi", "Testfile109_xmi",
  "Testfile109_xmi", "Testfile10_xmi", "Testfile10_xmi", "Testfile110_xmi",
  "Testfile119_xmi", "Testfile121_xmi", "Testfile122_xmi", "Testfile122_xmi",
  "Testfile122_xmi", "Testfile124_xmi", "Testfile124_xmi", "Testfile125_xmi",
  "Testfile128_xmi", "Testfile129_xmi", "Testfile129_xmi", "Testfile132_xmi",
  "Testfile135_xmi", "Testfile139_xmi"
), Aspect = c(
  "Jan Wagner",
  "Gewinner des #Büchnerpreis", "er", "Scheißgedicht", "Lesung",
  "Alternative Büchnerpreis", "Wondratschek", "Büchnerpreisträger",
  "Büchnerpreisträger", "LITERARISCHEN WELT", "Jan Wagner", "Gedicht über den Giersch",
  "Büchnerpreis-Jury zeichnet", "weiße Männer", "weiße Männer um 61",
  "„Gold. Revue“", "Hörspiel", "Gold. Revue", "büchnerpreis",
  "Büchnerpreisträger", "Büchnerpreisträger", "Büchnerpreis",
  "Er", "Gute Wahl! #GeorgBüchnerPreis"
), Aspect_category = c(
  "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony", "CONTENDER_General", "TEXT_General",
  "READING_General", "META_Literature_Literary-Prizes", "ALLO-REFERENCES_TEXT_Other-Author",
  "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony", "CONTENDER_General", "META_Literature_Literary-Prizes",
  "CONTENDER_General", "TEXT_General-Content_Plot", "JURY_Discussion_Valuation",
  "CONTENDER_Gender", "CONTENDER_Age", "TEXT_General", "TEXT_Form",
  "TEXT_General", "META_Main-Event", "CONTENDER_General", "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony",
  "META_Main-Event", "CONTENDER_General", "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony"
), Polarity_Trigger = c(
  "Sprachkünstler", "Gratulation!", "Gratulation!",
  "Scheißgedicht", "konzertanten", "klotzen!", "Alternative Büchnerpreis sollte jedes Jahr an Wondratschek gehen",
  "ganz besonderen", "ganz besonderen", "geht auch nur in der LITERARISCHEN WELT",
  "the Billy Collins of contemporary German poetry", "sensationelles",
  "zeichnet im Schnitt weiße Männer um 61 aus, die bei den vier großen Verlagen erscheinen",
  "weiße Männer um 61 ", "weiße Männer um 61 ", "des Monats",
  "des Monats", "des Monats", "Gänsehaut pur!,großes", "herausragender",
  "herausragender", "Tatenvolumen!", "meisterhaft", "Gute Wahl!"
), Span_lore = c(
  "[(31, 45)]", "[(129, 141)]", "[(129, 141)]",
  "[(19, 32)]", "[(99, 111)]", "[(18, 26)]", "[(31, 95)]", "[(12, 27)]",
  "[(12, 27)]", "[(81, 120)]", "[(61, 108)]", "[(14, 28)]", "[(24, 111)]",
  "[(24, 111)]", "[(24, 111)]", "[(81, 91)]", "[(81, 91)]", "[(12, 22)]",
  "[(28, 34), (2, 16)]", "[(55, 69)]", "[(55, 69)]", "[(2, 15)]",
  "[(18, 29)]", "[(2, 12)]"
), Polarity_lore = c(
  "Positive", "Positive",
  "Positive", "Negative", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive",
  "Positive", "Negative", "Positive", "Positive", "Negative", "Negative",
  "Negative", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive",
  "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive"
), Irony_lore = c(
  "false", "false", "true", "false", "false", "false", "false",
  "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false",
  "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false",
  "false", "true"

# Filter relevant columns: Aspect_category, Polarity_lore, and Irony_lore
df_filtered <- d |>
  select(Aspect_category, Polarity_lore, Irony_lore)

# Calculate the counts for each category, sentiment, and irony combination
counts <- df_filtered |> 
  group_by(Aspect_category, Polarity_lore, Irony_lore) |>
  summarise(count = n()) |>
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Aspect_category', 'Polarity_lore'. You can
#> override using the `.groups` argument.
#> # A tibble: 15 × 4
#>    Aspect_category                   Polarity_lore Irony_lore count
#>    <chr>                             <chr>         <chr>      <int>
#>  1 ALLO-REFERENCES_TEXT_Other-Author Positive      false          1
#>  2 CONTENDER_Age                     Negative      false          1
#>  3 CONTENDER_Gender                  Negative      false          1
#>  4 CONTENDER_General                 Positive      false          6
#>  5 JURY_Discussion_Valuation         Negative      false          1
#>  6 META_Literature_Literary-Prizes   Negative      false          1
#>  7 META_Literature_Literary-Prizes   Positive      false          1
#>  8 META_Main-Event                   Positive      false          2
#>  9 META_Winner_Award-Ceremony        Positive      false          3
#> 10 META_Winner_Award-Ceremony        Positive      true           1
#> 11 READING_General                   Positive      false          1
#> 12 TEXT_Form                         Positive      false          1
#> 13 TEXT_General                      Negative      true           1
#> 14 TEXT_General                      Positive      false          2
#> 15 TEXT_General-Content_Plot         Positive      false          1

Created on 2023-05-21 with reprex v2.0.2

The result is arguably what we were looking for, but the arrangement isn't very useful, especially since several of these are going to be pasted together. When this happens, it usually help to design y first, and then work backwards. To begin let's look at the sample space—what is the set of possible outcomes?

There are four possibilities for each aspect with respect to sentiment and irony


To produce this table

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'janitor'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     chisq.test, fisher.test

d <- data.frame(Document = c(
  "Testfile100_xmi", "Testfile101_xmi",
  "Testfile101_xmi", "Testfile103_xmi", "Testfile106_xmi", "Testfile109_xmi",
  "Testfile109_xmi", "Testfile10_xmi", "Testfile10_xmi", "Testfile110_xmi",
  "Testfile119_xmi", "Testfile121_xmi", "Testfile122_xmi", "Testfile122_xmi",
  "Testfile122_xmi", "Testfile124_xmi", "Testfile124_xmi", "Testfile125_xmi",
  "Testfile128_xmi", "Testfile129_xmi", "Testfile129_xmi", "Testfile132_xmi",
  "Testfile135_xmi", "Testfile139_xmi"
), Aspect = c(
  "Jan Wagner",
  "Gewinner des #Büchnerpreis", "er", "Scheißgedicht", "Lesung",
  "Alternative Büchnerpreis", "Wondratschek", "Büchnerpreisträger",
  "Büchnerpreisträger", "LITERARISCHEN WELT", "Jan Wagner", "Gedicht über den Giersch",
  "Büchnerpreis-Jury zeichnet", "weiße Männer", "weiße Männer um 61",
  "„Gold. Revue“", "Hörspiel", "Gold. Revue", "büchnerpreis",
  "Büchnerpreisträger", "Büchnerpreisträger", "Büchnerpreis",
  "Er", "Gute Wahl! #GeorgBüchnerPreis"
), Aspect_category = c(
  "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony", "CONTENDER_General", "TEXT_General",
  "READING_General", "META_Literature_Literary-Prizes", "ALLO-REFERENCES_TEXT_Other-Author",
  "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony", "CONTENDER_General", "META_Literature_Literary-Prizes",
  "CONTENDER_General", "TEXT_General-Content_Plot", "JURY_Discussion_Valuation",
  "CONTENDER_Gender", "CONTENDER_Age", "TEXT_General", "TEXT_Form",
  "TEXT_General", "META_Main-Event", "CONTENDER_General", "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony",
  "META_Main-Event", "CONTENDER_General", "META_Winner_Award-Ceremony"
), Polarity_Trigger = c(
  "Sprachkünstler", "Gratulation!", "Gratulation!",
  "Scheißgedicht", "konzertanten", "klotzen!", "Alternative Büchnerpreis sollte jedes Jahr an Wondratschek gehen",
  "ganz besonderen", "ganz besonderen", "geht auch nur in der LITERARISCHEN WELT",
  "the Billy Collins of contemporary German poetry", "sensationelles",
  "zeichnet im Schnitt weiße Männer um 61 aus, die bei den vier großen Verlagen erscheinen",
  "weiße Männer um 61 ", "weiße Männer um 61 ", "des Monats",
  "des Monats", "des Monats", "Gänsehaut pur!,großes", "herausragender",
  "herausragender", "Tatenvolumen!", "meisterhaft", "Gute Wahl!"
), Span_lore = c(
  "[(31, 45)]", "[(129, 141)]", "[(129, 141)]",
  "[(19, 32)]", "[(99, 111)]", "[(18, 26)]", "[(31, 95)]", "[(12, 27)]",
  "[(12, 27)]", "[(81, 120)]", "[(61, 108)]", "[(14, 28)]", "[(24, 111)]",
  "[(24, 111)]", "[(24, 111)]", "[(81, 91)]", "[(81, 91)]", "[(12, 22)]",
  "[(28, 34), (2, 16)]", "[(55, 69)]", "[(55, 69)]", "[(2, 15)]",
  "[(18, 29)]", "[(2, 12)]"
), Polarity_lore = c(
  "Positive", "Positive",
  "Positive", "Negative", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive",
  "Positive", "Negative", "Positive", "Positive", "Negative", "Negative",
  "Negative", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive",
  "Positive", "Positive", "Positive", "Positive"
), Irony_lore = c(
  "false", "false", "true", "false", "false", "false", "false",
  "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false",
  "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false", "false",
  "false", "true"

# Filter relevant columns: Aspect_category, Polarity_lore, and Irony_lore
df_filtered <- d |>
  select(Aspect_category, Polarity_lore, Irony_lore) 

df_filtered$Polarity_lore <- ifelse(df_filtered$Polarity_lore == "Positive",TRUE,FALSE)
df_filtered$Irony_lore <- ifelse(df_filtered$Irony_lore == "true",TRUE,FALSE)

case1 <- df_filtered[which(df_filtered$Polarity_lore == TRUE &
                           df_filtered$Irony_lore == TRUE),]
case2 <- df_filtered[which(df_filtered$Polarity_lore == TRUE &
                           df_filtered$Irony_lore == FALSE),]
case3 <- df_filtered[which(df_filtered$Polarity_lore == FALSE &
                           df_filtered$Irony_lore == TRUE),]
case4 <- df_filtered[which(df_filtered$Polarity_lore == FALSE &
                           df_filtered$Irony_lore == FALSE),]

case1 <-,Aspect_category,Polarity_lore,Irony_lore))
colnames(case1) <- c("Aspect_category", "case1")
case2 <-,Aspect_category,Polarity_lore,Irony_lore))
colnames(case2) <- c("Aspect_category", "case2")
case3 <-,Aspect_category,Polarity_lore,Irony_lore))
colnames(case3) <- c("Aspect_category","case3")
case4 <-,Aspect_category,Polarity_lore,Irony_lore))
colnames(case4) <- c("Aspect_category","case4")

cases <- full_join(case1,case2,by = "Aspect_category")
cases <- full_join(cases,case3,by = "Aspect_category")
cases <- full_join(cases,case4,by = "Aspect_category")

# presentation table
cases |>
  gt() |>
    Aspect_category = "Aspect",
    case1 = "Positive sentiment, ironic",
    case2 = "Positive sentiment, unironic",
    case3 = "Negative sentiment, ironic",
    case4 = "Negative sentiment, unironic"
  ) |>