Authors: Hao Li
Abstract: An interactive previewer for the multi-variable dataset. Combining the functionalities of various packages and covers both plot, models, data, and code.
Full Description:
Previewer: A systematic previewer for multivariable data
An interactive previewer for multivariable dataset. Combining the functionalities of various packages and covers both plot, models, data, and code.
To bring together the functions of
- tidyverse (ggplot/dplyr/GGally)
- Trellis-lattice (psych etc.)
- caret
- visreg
- misc3d-plot3d
and basic functionalities of R to create a:
- safer
- more systematic
- more considerate
preview with:
- implementation of exploratory, explanatory and predictive models
- consistent minimalistic graphic style
- sematic parameters/ reporting functions and pivot tables
- auto-generation of analysis code
The intro video gives an outline, but to fully understand the functionalities, it is recommended to have a view on multi-var stats systematically.
Demo Video
The books below are recommended references (and are related to packages being called) but not necessary for using the app:
Applied Predictive Modeling by Kuhn, Max
R For Data Science by Wickham, Hadley
Data Mining with R by Torgo, Luis
Keywords: Preview,visualization,transformation,,caret,tidyverse,lattice,visreg,plot3d
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - HaoLi111/Previewer: Previewing datasets with save and systematic statistical approach
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud
Full image: