Preserving Input and Output Values When Creating New Tabs via Modules

Hello! I am encountering a peculiar issues in my Shiny app where after I press the "+" button in my list of tabs, all the input and output values from prior tabs are reset/wiped. Is there a way to preserve the input and output values regardless of the number of times I generate a new tab?

My code is outlined as follows:

from shiny import App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, module, reactive, render, ui

# Create a Module UI
def textbox_ui(panelNum):
    return ui.nav_panel(
        f"Tab {panelNum}",
                           label = "Enter some text"),
        value = f"Tab_{panelNum}"

# Set up module server
def textbox_server(input, output, session, panelNum):

    def return_text():
       return input[f"test_text"]()

# Set up app UI
app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
    ui.h2('Test App', align='center', fillable=True),
    title = "Test App"

# Set up server
def server(input, output, session):
   # Set up reactive values
   navs = reactive.value(0)
   # Add tabs if the user presses "+"
   def add_tabs():
      if input.shiny_tabs() == "+":
          navs.set(navs.get() + 1)
   def tab_UI():
      [textbox_server(str(x), panelNum=x+1) for x in range(navs.get())]
      ui.update_navs("shiny_tabs", selected = f"Tab_{navs.get()}")

      return ui.navset_tab(
                         ui.p("An example of the outputs clearing")
                      value = "panel0"
        *[textbox_ui(str(x), panelNum=x+1) for x in range(navs.get())],
        id = "shiny_tabs"

app = App(app_ui, server)

Thanks for looking into it!