Predictive score

Hello all!

I am currently working on a predictive model. My goal is to come up with the best model to predict a postive vs negative scan. I have chosen my final model that has good accuracy but now I want to change the beta coeficient of that model to additive score that would predict the scan. I am having difficulty in how would should I approach that. I am copying a part of paper method that I want to exactly follow (Variables that were statistically significant in the final model that resulted in only minor improvements (AUC < .005) in the area under the receiver-operating charac- teristic (ROC) curve (AUC) were excluded to provide a parsi- monious model. Using variable β estimates, a weighted ATTR-CM risk prediction score was then constructed.11 The op- timal score cutoff was identified by the balance of sensitivity and specificity in the derivation cohort. The final score was then evaluated in the 3 validation cohorts.).

Thank you


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