Currently, I am working on a dataset which classification class is a Likert type. Which is
1 = " Very Easy"
2 = " Easy"
3 = " Neutral "
4= " Hard "
5 = "Very Hard "
I create a multiple linear type regression model. Now I am trying to predict a class using my model. But the output is 3.45. So this result belongs to which class? 3 or 4. though it's a Likert type data it should be either 3 or 4. How can I convert this decimal value to Likert type data in R?
Here Is my code in R
dataset <- read.csv('survey.csv')
split = sample.split(dataset$difficulty, SplitRatio = .8)
training_set = subset(dataset, split == TRUE)
test_set = subset(dataset, split == FALSE)
predict = data.frame(class = 3, nb.repeat = 1 , attendance = 3,
instr = 1, Q9 = 1, Q16 = 4, Q17 = 5,
Q18 = 2, Q26 =3, Q22 = 3,Q5 = 5 )
demo_pred = predict(regressor, newdata = predict)