Is it possible to deploy a Shiny application that will allow database access via the PostgreSQL ASNSI drivers once deployed to
It is possible in my development environment using the method below along with the PostgreSQL ODBC drivers but it fails when the app is deployed.
I assume this is because the hosting servers at are not configured with ODBC drivers.
con <- eventReactive(input$testconn, {
x <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "PostgreSQL ANSI",
Server = input$server,
Database = input$database,
UID = input$username,
PWD = input$password,
Port = input$port)
df1 <- reactive({
myData <- dbSendQuery(con(), "SELECT* FROM dbtable ;")
returned = dbFetch(myData)
Hopefully this has not already been answered elsewhere, Shiny development and R are very new to me.