First, the disclaimer: new to Shiny, still working through documentation and video lessons, produced one dashboard with flexidashboard successfully.
Now the question:
Context is a small University's course evaluations where collected data output is not a tidy table format. I have Tidyverse code to disassemble and and re-assemble 20 of 25 questions into a format that non-R users can comprehend and work with in Excel. The number, order, content and response scales never change, so the code can work with just a few alterations to file names (fl16, sp16,su17, fl17, etc.) which I currently do with find and replace. At the moment I am working to alleviate repetition in the script with purrr.
What I am curious to know is if there can be a Shiny app solution that would allow non-R users to a) select an excel file somewhere in a directory on their part of the network, then b) select the file name segment that will ID the output by semester, and c) deliver the output csv file to a directory>folder of their choice.
We have developed a similar VBA based app for a different purpose, but it is cranky and only our office can use it due to frequent tweaking. What I would love to do is (buzzword alert) empower the different departments with a server-based app they can use independent of our office to reorganize the course evaluation output.
Does this sound like a job Shiny can handle? If so, what are the recommended processing steps?My impulse is to get the code & functions tight first, then figure out how to deploy as Shiny. Regarding the Shiny code, are the examples you can point me to?
Thanks to any and all who reply.