Possible error in Shiny code on https://shiny.posit.co website

It seems that there is an error in the initial example code on the website https://shiny.posit.co, where it is required to add the sidebar parameter.

original code:

ui <- page_fillable(theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "minty"),
  layout_sidebar(fillable = TRUE,
      varSelectInput("xvar", "X variable", df_num, selected = "Bill Length (mm)"),
      varSelectInput("yvar", "Y variable", df_num, selected = "Bill Depth (mm)"),
      checkboxGroupInput("species", "Filter by species",
        choices = unique(df$Species), selected = unique(df$Species)
      hr(), # Add a horizontal rule
      checkboxInput("by_species", "Show species", TRUE),
      checkboxInput("show_margins", "Show marginal plots", TRUE),
      checkboxInput("smooth", "Add smoother"),

code fixed

ui <- page_fillable(theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "minty"),
                    layout_sidebar(fillable = TRUE,
                                   sidebar = sidebar(
                                     varSelectInput("xvar", "X variable", df_num, selected = "Bill Length (mm)"),
                                     varSelectInput("yvar", "Y variable", df_num, selected = "Bill Depth (mm)"),
                                     checkboxGroupInput("species", "Filter by species",
                                                        choices = unique(df$Species), selected = unique(df$Species)
                                     hr(), # Add a horizontal rule
                                     checkboxInput("by_species", "Show species", TRUE),
                                     checkboxInput("show_margins", "Show marginal plots", TRUE),
                                     checkboxInput("smooth", "Add smoother"),

In the code, we can see that if the parameter name is not specified, it is assumed to represent the body of the dashboard and not the Sidebar.

#' @rdname sidebar
#' @param sidebar A [sidebar()] object.
#' @param fillable Whether or not the main content area should be considered a
#' fillable (i.e., flexbox) container.
#' @param fill Whether or not to allow the layout container to grow/shrink to fit a
#' fillable container with an opinionated height (e.g., page_fillable()).
#' @param border Whether or not to add a border.
#' @param border_radius Whether or not to add a border radius.
#' @param border_color The border color that is applied to the entire layout (if
#' border = TRUE) and the color of the border between the sidebar and the
#' main content area.
#' @inheritParams card
#' @inheritParams page_fillable
#' @export
layout_sidebar <- function(
sidebar = NULL,
fillable = TRUE,
fill = TRUE,
bg = NULL,
fg = NULL,
border = NULL,
border_radius = NULL,
border_color = NULL,
padding = NULL,
gap = NULL,
height = NULL

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