Positioning Copyright Statement Below Automatic Citation Section in Quarto Document

I'm working on a Quarto manuscript and want to add a copyright statement that shows up at the document's end. I couldn't find a way to include a footer in the YAML metadata, so I placed my copyright statement at the document's end, as the image below illustrates.

However, the problem is that a Citation section is automatically generated at the manuscript's conclusion, pushing my copyright statement to an awkward position.

How can I ensure my copyright statement stays at the very bottom of the document while retaining the Citation section?

Can you open your question in Quarto Discussion board ?

More people from Quarto community will see included all the dev team.

They can answer or consider feature requests.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I have created a discussion for this question:

See Positioning a copyright statement below all other content in a Quarto manuscript · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussion #9115 · GitHub for a solution

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