Thanks, but the result is not really what I want, because the caption is now not part of the table (it is separate text above the table. I attach the code again, which I did incorrectly in my previous message. The table was created using the Table menu in Rstudio, which is available when the editor is set to Visual. It gives the option to type a caption, but not where to place the caption. By default it goes at the bottom of the table, whereas I need to have it at the top.
| Statistic | Low | High |
| RMSEA | 0.059 | 0.308 |
| CFI | 0.781 | 0.993 |
| TLI | 0.561 | 0.985 |
| SRMR | 0.014 | 0.116 |
| Omega | 0.827 | 0.908 |
| Alpha | 0.826 | 0.907 |
: Range of Fit Statistics and Reliabilities across 126 Short Forms of the UWES-9
Adding a label to the chunk with the table worked for me, the caption is now displayed before the table instead of after.
When you work with a template, another solution ( a student helped me with) is to place this code in the typst-template.typ: show figure.where(kind: table): set figure.caption(position: top)