Posit Cloud Crashes when I use renv::install

I am having trouble getting my posit cloud space setup. I help run the CAMIS project and we use renv to manage all the packages we have looked at.

Basically when I try to use renv::install after about 10 mins the system crashes. It looks like the {RcppEigen} package is causing trouble. When I try to install it alone the system also crashes. I don't get a warning or anything just a blank screen and then when I reopen it a message about it unexpectedly failing.
The project is here.

You are probably running out of memory while compiling the package.

You can try to install a binary package, e.g. from Posit Package Manager or you can use a larger machine.

I don't know if it is possible to create a swap file on Posit Cloud, I suspect that it is not. That would be another workaround.

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