Portail climatique - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission

Portail climatique

Authors: Marina Adriana Lopez Chavez
Working with Shiny < 1 year

Abstract: Climate Portraits of forestry regions of Quebec

Full Description: This portal (in French only) allows to see the impact of climate change in different variables (temperature, precitipation, etc.) for differente forestry regions. Its goal is to give information to forest managers, so they know what kind of trees to plant in different locations, considering conditions in the long term.
It is based on the SuperZip application of Shiny.

Category: Public Sector
Keywords: climate, cartography, maps
Shiny app: https://marina-lopez.shinyapps.io/Carteinteractive/
Repo: GitHub - marinalopez2110/SuperZip: Copy of the SuperZip example from https://github.com/rstudio/shiny-examples/blob/master/063-superzip-example/ui.R
RStudio Cloud: https://marina-lopez.shinyapps.io/Carteinteractive/


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